Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bar a huîtres - Paris

As soon as I knew I was visiting Paris I started craving oysters like crazy!
 I happily ended up having lunch at Le Bar a Huîtres close to the place de vosges. The selection of oysters available at this restaurant was amazing. All products were super fresh. They offer seafood platters including crab, lobster, mussels, shrimp and also a la carte dishes. The platters are great to share and to taste a bit of everything. I went with a tasting of "Grand Cru" oysters; escargots, and a rich in flavor fish soup. 
Although the food was delicious and the place beautiful, the service was just ok. I still recommend it to every oyster/seafood foodie visiting Paris.

ipad menu bar a huitres paris
It's s kind of cool to have the menu on an iPad. It's a good tool to learn about the different types of oysters, its geography and taste amongst other dishes. However, it could easily become confusing and at the end of the day I value simplicity

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bonjour place de la Madeleine! - Paris

This is a must do in my Paris list. The first thing you'll see at the square is the stunning Madeleine Church, the second most amazing thing in the square is the fine food shops surrounding the Église. Give yourself over the gourmet pleasures! 

It's also a perfect plan if you're in the mood for a picnic along the Seine or in Tuileries because you'll find everything you need. From exclusive Hediard, to modern Fauchon, la Maison de la Truffe and Maille-which offers 30 different flavors of mustard. Take a look at the pictures to see more!

Église de la Madeleine

 Hediard. Excellent products! oils, spices, fantastic wines and much more

Monday, May 6, 2013

1,2,3 Mini leek quiches - Thelirecipe

I'm starting to like more and more the "mini" versions of food. They are cute, perfect for dinner parties, kids, and right at your fingers tips just like any other finger-food. An easy way to make small portions is using your cupcake mold!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Asturias, a delicious discovery...What to eat and see?

This post is to invite you to take a few days and visit Asturias. It has so so much to offer! The landscapes and nature are present everywhere. The region is lucky enough to have withing a few minutes both the countryside and the coast. Between natural reserves the contrasting landscapes are seducing. The nature reflects on their food, you can find really good and fresh meat and fish from the coast. I made a route according to the days I had and want to share it with you! Of course, including what and where to eat and what I loved about the trip.

First I visited the pectacular Picos de Europa National Park. Once there, I visited Cangas de Onis where I tried the best fabada ever! at restaurant Molin de la Pedrera. After I visited Covadonga, a small village in the mountain full of history and sanctuary of the virgin la Santina from whom comes its name Covadonga or "Cavern of the Lady." Also head north to visit the Covadonga lakes.

Once in Picos de Europa you can visit Cabrales, where the famous blue cheese is made. There's even a museum explaining the traditional and modern process of producing this characteristic cheese. There are other cheeses besides the well known Cabrales. I encourage you to try the Afuega'l Pitu, my favorite from the region!!

Continuing the route I discover in a little town in Arriondas, a bit closer to heaven Casa Marcial where I had the cherry on the top before heading to the coast. In the coast I visited Ribadesella, Gijón, Cudillero and Ribadeo. Some of which I explained best with the pictures ;)

I hope you find this useful and that by the end of the post you are planning already your next trip to Asturias! Enjoy!

cider is the typical drink in asturias
You'll find cider all over Asturias! I have to admit it didn't get to me...I didn't love it

Casa Marcial - Asturias

Casa Marcial is a precious restaurant very deserving of its 2 Michelin stars. The magic starts with the beautiful setting in La Salgar, Arriondas. Located up in a mountain you'll find an old kind of farmhouse full of family memories for the chef and owner Nacho Manzano. Manzano who is truly a world class cook reinvents classic local ingredients from Asturias and offers delicious and innovative dishes. I had the chance to try one of three menus they offer. They have a classic menu, a traditional one and a super delicacy one plus a la carte choices. I had the classic tasting menu for lunch, for €69 I had an amazing experience and extraordinary food. To that you have to add the correct and great recommendations for wine pairings of Juan Luis, the sommelier.

I really recommend you to visit the area, it's so so beautiful!  Really worth the ride, I feel so happy for this discovery and I plan to go back to Casa Marcial next time I'm around Asturias! Enjoy

Click here to read about what to see and eat around Asturias

casa marcial in asturias
and here it is! we finally found it...Casa Marcial

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Taberna del Capitan Alastriste - Madrid

 This is a very traditional restaurant. The kind of restaurant to which you'll bring friends visiting Madrid who want to try the typical gastronomy of the city. It goes back to the 18th century. At the time it was "a popular place in the Villa frequented by soldiers, ruffians, poets and swordsmen." The dining rooms are found in original caves. The history behind makes it mystic...as it happens with many other rests in the area of Cava baja and Cava alta in Madrid de los Austrias.

Their specialty is Cochinillo (suckling pig), excellent. Also you’ll find a variety of traditional dishes perfect to share before you dig into the main. Pimientos de padron, migas, chistorra. They cook in a rustic oven de leña, which gives an extraordinary flavor to food. The service and price are right.

I have to recommend also La Posada de la Villa just across the street where the speacilty is roasted lamb.


Calle Grafal, 7. Website here

Pimientos de Padrón, unos pican y otros no! Green peppers, you eat them in one bite

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Espai Kru - Barcelona

Eating at Espai kru is an amazing experience. Alucinante! Both your eyes and taste buds will take pleasure from this meal, I assure you. This could easily be the best fish and seafood in the city. The very best one may be Rias de Galicia, its parent restaurant which is just downstairs. The difference is that at Espai Kru you'll find anything but traditional simple seafood. The restaurants are collaborators with Ferran and Albert Adrià, they are part of Tickets and 41º. You can get an idea what having that kind of seal of approval means, awesomeness in your plate!

 Espai Kru's setting is kind of informal but pleasant. The great winner is the ingenious food inspired by the times "before fire"...most of the menu is based on cold and raw products and served as tapas (little dishes).  Sashimi, tartare & carpaccio. I really recommend you to go and experience it for yourself. Enjoy!

Good seafood comes with a high price tag so expect to pay between €50 to €65, including wine. 

Great Oysters with Ponzu sauce and Salmon roe. Heaven on earth, mouthwatering

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Salt-Baked Sea Bass

Or lubina a la sal. I want to share this recipe with you because I know, believe me, how many of us think cooking fish is something difficult and we run away from it! Well I have great news: it isn't! It's actually easier than making other recipes that require seasoning and a cooker's touch and attention - well at least in this case. The principal ingredient in this recipe is the sea bass and it's essential that it's from the best quality since it will make this recipe fabulous or not

You'll need (4 servings):

- Around 1kg sea bass (as the one below)
- 2,5 kg of coarse salt 

I will explain the recipe step by step with the pictures. 

sea bass or lubina a la sal
You want your sea bass to be ready and clean to go to the oven - I prefer to ask for this at the market.
So first, pre-heat your oven at 200º
 Place the coarse salt on top of a roasting tin large enough to fit the fish comfortably 

Potatoes Provence - Recipe

This is a perfect side dish for white meats and fish, so good with duck. They are very aromatic and flavorful!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Brunch á la home

If you love having friends over it doesn't strictly have to be for dinner. Invite your friends over for BRUNCH! You already know by now how much I love brunch...such a great invention. 

This post is to show you how you can host a great but very easy brunch at home. You'll see that is very little work! the trick is on getting the freshest and best products at your local market and a variety of them so everyone has a choice. Remember to serve fruits, cheeses, bread, croissants, coffee and tea. And in order to be complete, fresh orange juice and a bottle of champagne to make Mimosas

brunch table
Brunch are a happy start to the day. I used my most colorful cloth despite of the winter! Set your table however you feel it looks pretty. You can put your savory on the left and sweets on the right, or a cheese corner and a fruit corner

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