Sunday, March 10, 2013

Potatoes Provence - Recipe

This is a perfect side dish for white meats and fish, so good with duck. They are very aromatic and flavorful!

Ingredients (4 servings): 

- 1kg potatoes, the smallest you can find
- 5 garlic cloves
- 2 tablespoons Herbes de Provence (Rosemary, Oregano and Marjoram) 
- Olive oil
- salt & pepper 

Pre-heat your oven at 200ºC. Cut the potatoes in half or quarters depending on their size. Then place them in a roasting tin. Crush each garlic clove but leave the peel on, this way the garlic won't burn or dry out. You also want to be able to recognize a garlic clove from the potatoes. Add the olive oil on top, season with salt & pepper and the herbes de provence.

After 15 min of cooking lower the temperature of the oven to 180ºC. They should be ready after 20 to 30 more minutes, you do have to check on their texture. Also halfway through cooking, stir the potatoes so they are always well coated in olive oil. 

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