Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Casa Marcial - Asturias

Casa Marcial is a precious restaurant very deserving of its 2 Michelin stars. The magic starts with the beautiful setting in La Salgar, Arriondas. Located up in a mountain you'll find an old kind of farmhouse full of family memories for the chef and owner Nacho Manzano. Manzano who is truly a world class cook reinvents classic local ingredients from Asturias and offers delicious and innovative dishes. I had the chance to try one of three menus they offer. They have a classic menu, a traditional one and a super delicacy one plus a la carte choices. I had the classic tasting menu for lunch, for €69 I had an amazing experience and extraordinary food. To that you have to add the correct and great recommendations for wine pairings of Juan Luis, the sommelier.

I really recommend you to visit the area, it's so so beautiful!  Really worth the ride, I feel so happy for this discovery and I plan to go back to Casa Marcial next time I'm around Asturias! Enjoy

Click here to read about what to see and eat around Asturias

casa marcial in asturias
and here it is! we finally found it...Casa Marcial
beautiful landscape outside of casa marcial in arriondas
The beautiful view arriving to Casa Marcial
The aperitif: Cider Cava, way better than regular cider. It's the bubbly effect
Continuing with the aperitif tomatoes covered with olives. Look how nicely served!

Gazpacho Ajoblanco, a dish combining two popular cold soups from Andalusia. In gazpacho main ingredient is tomato and garlic in the ajoblanco. A fresh way to start the menu!
sea urchin in tasting menu at two star michelin casa marcial
Sea Urchin with an acid hollandaise and aromatics topping yogurt!!! this erizo was made in heaven...it truly tastes like the sea and I loooved how they serve it on top of a stone
Mouthwatering...sad that it was over, I devoured it! but ready for the next dish
Callos de Bacalao! meaning cod tripe. My first time trying a fish tripe, it really surprised me. It was very very tasty. I loved the rare texture and flavor...also lentils with cumin and veggies broth all on a pil-pil

"Rape" or monkfish on a foam of its own juices with Salsa Romesco, a sauce based mainly on red peppers and almonds
beautiful decoration at casa marcial
Trendy decoration! adored this wall and had to include it on this post! would you hang dishes on your wall??
liebre royal or hare at casa marcial
Nop it's not dessert just yet...this is Liebre en royal, Hare. Served with fruits the white dot is apple

Asturias is known for their great cheeses, they couldn't be out of this experience

delicious tasting of asturian cheeses at casa marcial
Served with a contrasting flavor (sweet) you truly taste the deepness of each cheese. Here we have: Casin, Gamoneu, and Afuega'l Pitu

incredible dessert at casa marcial in asturias truffle ice cream
For dessert a decadent mix of flavors and textures. From left to right is a jelly-like "water" of apple, truffle ice cream (oh yes) and sweet corn cream


  1. Hi! Love your blog, very inspiring and makes me hungry! Just so you know-- rape is the fish en español y significa algo bastante distinto en inglés, in English it's "monkfish". :)

    1. Hi! Gracias por tu comentario y por seguir el blog :) Ya se jajaja juraba que había escrito monkfish al lado pero no! lo deje en Rape...queda corregido! Thanks for following the blog, makes me happy

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