Sunday, March 10, 2013

Salt-Baked Sea Bass

Or lubina a la sal. I want to share this recipe with you because I know, believe me, how many of us think cooking fish is something difficult and we run away from it! Well I have great news: it isn't! It's actually easier than making other recipes that require seasoning and a cooker's touch and attention - well at least in this case. The principal ingredient in this recipe is the sea bass and it's essential that it's from the best quality since it will make this recipe fabulous or not

You'll need (4 servings):

- Around 1kg sea bass (as the one below)
- 2,5 kg of coarse salt 

I will explain the recipe step by step with the pictures. 

sea bass or lubina a la sal
You want your sea bass to be ready and clean to go to the oven - I prefer to ask for this at the market.
So first, pre-heat your oven at 200º
 Place the coarse salt on top of a roasting tin large enough to fit the fish comfortably 

salt crust for the sea bass
Cover the entire fish with the salt. The salt will kind of protect the fish from the heat. Place it in the oven for 25 min 

In the meantime, enjoy a beautiful winter view...

Remove the roasting tin from the oven. The salt turns into a hard crust, break it with the help of a knife and a spoon. Do it gently, especially when getting closer to the skin.
At this point you'll have to use a brush to finish cleaning the surface of the fish. The skin shouldn't open with salt still around

Yeap, a bit messy but completely worth it!
Transfer the fish to a serving tray. You have to discard all the used salt

sea bass ready out of the oven served in tray
How you doing!? Now my handsome sea bass is ready 

When serving, the skin should come out easily 

sea bass ready to serve, filets are delicious and tasty
Ready to eat. So simple yet so good

Surprise! a bonus. Roe inside! This is basically a fish egg. You can eat it, you have to eat it. It's delicious

provence delicious potatoes with herbs
One option that I really like is to serve the salt-baked sea bass with Potatoes Provence. Find the recipe here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice, you needed only to say that the fish must be arranged specifically for salt.
    Good Sea bass can only be Portuguese! LOL

    1. Thank you!!! Along with the Chilean Sea bass the Portuguese fish in general is amazing!


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