Monday, May 6, 2013

1,2,3 Mini leek quiches - Thelirecipe

I'm starting to like more and more the "mini" versions of food. They are cute, perfect for dinner parties, kids, and right at your fingers tips just like any other finger-food. An easy way to make small portions is using your cupcake mold!

Recipe for Leek mini Quiches (makes 9):
- 2 large or 3 small eggs
- 2 leeks, the white part
- 100ml of cream 
- around 50 gr of cheese. You can use Parmesan or Emmental. 

First preheat your oven at 180ยบ. Chop the leek and cook it in a pan with olive oil and butter until it becomes kind of translucent, around 8 min

Prepare your mold with the dough. Most of the time for time sake I buy ready to go to the oven dough. If you want to make your own go for it! just follow the rest of the recipe
Let the leek cool a little bit and mix together the eggs, cream, leek and cheese

Fill your mold and bake for 20 to 25min

1, 2, 3 here they are! Thelicious and ready to eat

Tips for Preparing Leeks from the World Healthiest Foods

Cut off green tops of leeks and remove outer tough leaves. Cut off root and cut leeks in half lengthwise. Fan out the leeks and rinse well under running water, leaving them intact. Cut leeks into 2-inch lengths. Holding the leek sections cut side up, cut lengthwise so that you end up with thin strips, known as the chiffonade cut, slicing until you reach the green portion. Make sure slices are cut very thin to shorten cooking time.

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