Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Eggs en cocotte - Recipe

From the french Oeufs en cocotte, this recipe is super simple to make and delicious. You'll need individual oven proof pots, eggs, crème fraîche and any veggie or ingredient that you can think of! I made my eggs en cocotte with smoke salmon. 

Ingredients for 6:

- 100 gr smoke salmon
- 6 eggs
- 12 spoons of crème fraîche 
- parmesan cheese

First preheat your oven at 180ºC. Spread a bit of butter on each pot. Divide the salmon and add

eggs en cocotte with salmon
Crack one egg into each pot

Season with salt and pepper and add 2 spoons of crème fraîche on each pot

eggs en cocotte almost ready to go to the oven
Sprinkle some cheese and put the pots inside a baking deep tray filled with water to cover half of the pots. Bake for 15 min...the idea is to have the egg whites done but the yolk still under cooked

eggs en cocotte finished
And done! ready to eat. Serve with bread (baguette) toasts

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