Thursday, December 6, 2012

Xmas Dinner with Friends

There is no better company than family and friends. Since I’m travelling soon to be with my family, my friends in Madrid and I organized a Christmas dinner party to celebrate the anticipated holidays together. So I thought it would be the perfect occasion and excuse to introduce “Thelicooking”. Thelicooking refers to the posts in which no restaurant is included but I cook the food at home, at my no fancy and small kitchen. I don’t have a lot of recipes to share with you since I’m learning in the process…but I’m sure these ones won’t disappoint. We surely enjoyed it!

No hay mejor compañía que familia y amigos. Como viajo pronto para estar con mi familia, mis amigos de Madrid y yo organizamos una cena para celebrar la Navidad, anticipada, pero juntos. Así que me pareció la ocasión y excusa perfecta para introducir “Thelicooking”. Thelicooking se refiere a los posts que no incluyen un restaurante, sino comida preparada en mi casa, por mi, en mi pequeña cocina. No tengo muchísimas recetas para compartir con ustedes ya que voy aprendiendo en el proceso…igual estoy segura de que estos platos no los decepcionarán. Nosotros lo disfrutamos mucho!!

Our Xmas Menu:

Starters                                                                     Entrante
  Choice of Butternut Squash or Spinach Soup              Sopa de Calabaza o de Espinacas 
  Dates with Bacon                                                      Dátiles con beicon
  Cream Cheese with sweet & sour peppers dip            Dip de queso crema y pimientos agridulce

Main                                                                          Principal 
  Pork tenderloin with wine sauce                                Lomo de cerdo con salsa de vino tinto
  Mashed potatoes                                                       Puré de patatas 
  Creamy Spinach                                                        Espinacas
  Salad with strawberries and goat cheese                    Ensalada de fresas y queso de cabra

Dessert                                                                      Postres 
  Chocolate muffins                                                     Chocolate muffins
  Cheesecake (made by my friend Tony)                       Cheesecake (de mi amigo Tony)

Fresh peppers for our dip

The peppers need to be cut delicately small

The sweet&sour is made out 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of sugar, a bit of water and the peppers. It needs to cook until the mix starts caramelizing. After it chills a bit the mix goes on top of cream cheese
The result, a delicious dip that is present in most parties in Venezuela. For my surprise and joy all of my friends in Europe love it! It's easy! Try it!

Dates with bacon waiting to go to the oven...they are also filled with an almond which adds the crunchiness to the perfect combination of a sweet date with the salty bacon. They are ready after 15 min at 180º
Don't be scared! this is the bechamel base for the our spinach dish. Onions, flour and milk
I poured boiling water on the spinach sitting in a colander. After that with a kitchen cloth most of the water needs to be absorbed
After roughly chopping the spinach, add it to the bechamel along with cream (heavy or half and half, depends on the thickness you prefer) Again easy and super tasty! the perfect side for a roast. Add a bit of nutmeg along with salt & pepper
Mashed potatoes, a classic. I made it with cream and butter, which I melted before on a different pot and mixed it with the mashed potatoes...I also added a bit of shredded cheese for more flavor
3 1/2Kg of meat! This was my first time making pork tenderloin...and for 13 people made it more of a challenge. I wanted the best quality so I bought this piece at Mercado San Antón...soon I should post about this Mercado, it's awesome

The pork was marinated over night with a mix of special ingredients: soy sauce, molasses, garlic, fresh ginger, lemon juice and olive oil...after the marinated has to be discarded

Do you love meat as much as I do? Tell me this picture isn't great! The tenderloin needs to be pan seared before going to the oven

After ONLY 20 minutes in the oven at 180º the pork is ready

I also made a red wine sauce which I served on the side...butter, onions, flour, red wine and beef broth

For dessert chocolate muffins dressed in christmas

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