Monday, December 31, 2012

Thelicooking - Grapes Sorbet

Are you about following traditions? How about following the Spanish tradition of eating grapes at New Years Eve?
The tradition has spread to other countries in South America such as my beloved Venezuela. Tonight for a twist serve Grapes Sorbet and spoon away your 12 wishes for the next year.
- 4 cups of chilled fresh grapes. I made this one with a mix of green and red grapes. I picked them up from a farm, they were organic and the best quality.
- 1/3 cup of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
Process grapes and sugar in a blender or food processor, discard the solids using a fine sieve. Add the lemon juice and following your ice cream maker instructions freeze the mixture.
Enjoy! Happy New Year!

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