Friday, November 30, 2012

Mercado San Miguel

If you are a tourist in Madrid you're destined to go to Mercado San Miguel. Located in the city center, close to Plaza Mayor, is this revitalized building filled with fresh, simple, yet so gourmet food. I felt so happy the first time I walked in, I had to go back the next day. The market is modern and has a great offer of products, from fresh seasonal fruits to the most exclusive caviar. What once was a traditional food market for locals, today is a vibrant place to hang out and try the different tapas and wine around the market's stands.The best of all, you can go around and try a bit of everything.

Si eres un turista en Madrid estás destinado a ir al Mercado San Miguel.  En pleno centro de la ciudad, cerca de Plaza Mayor, encuentras un antiguo edificio revitalizado y lleno de comida fresca, simple y al mismo tiempo muy gourmet. Me sentí super feliz la primera vez que fui... que tuve que volver al día siguiente. El mercado es moderno y tiene una gran oferta de productos, desde frutas de la temporada hasta el caviar más exclusivo. Lo que alguna vez fue un mercado tradicional para locales, hoy es una lugar a la moda para ir con amigos y probar las diferentes tapas y vinos en los varios stands del mercado. Lo mejor, es que puedes ir y probar un poco de absolutamente todo!

Say Cheese please!

Olive skewers- different kinds of olives with cornichons, pickling onions and even some jamón serrano...simply delicious. Perfect if you like that vinegar taste! it gives me goosebumps

The CROQUETAS stand! they are crunchy outside, super soft inside, fried, Spanish, and amazing! The stand at Mercado San Miguel is special for the number of different fillings it offers. Try the Jamón Ibérico de Bellota if you like traditional, and Chipirones (small squid) or Morcilla (blood sausage) for a different taste.

Oh la la...Oysters straight from France. Daniel Sorlut, now a french family business offer oysters with exciting and unique flavors. They are all amazing, but in case of doubt try the "Especial Daniel Sorlut" a specific variety created by the family to identify their firm

I love this picture, the grains are colorful and beautifully displayed

Aww truffles...precious truffles. Just their smell is IRRESISTIBLE. If you decide to buy a whole truffle you can grate it and sprinkle it over anything...I especially love eggs with truffles

Jamón Ibérico de Bellota - the spanish dry-cured ham is similar to the Italian prosciutto but it's cured for a longer period. When you add the bellota word to the Jamón, you can be paying twice as much than for instance Jamón Serrano; but the aroma, texture and taste makes special the treat worthwhile

The Mexican corner never fails! -after paella or oysters- you can even go have nachos with a cold Corona and friends

The market is very casual, you got to find yourself a spot to eat

There's always room for dessert, isn't? Merengues!
Mini Yogurts - they are delicious, organic and cute. What's not to like? They come in different fruit flavors and toppings

1 comment:

  1. The oysters are the mos delicious I've ever had!! The stand right next to it has some amazing cava that creates an amazing combination!


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