Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Santo Resto - Madrid

If you're looking for a nice and cosy dinner I have a great suggestion in Madrid. Santo Resto is a small restaurant offering quality comfort food. All based on seasonal and mediterranean products with a spark of Brazilian flavor...interesting....and thelicious!!! Their food is great, their service is great, and although their menu is not too large -quality reigns over quantity- you will not know what to order at first! 

Good for a friends night out, Santo is located close to the Opera and the Royal Theatre of Madrid. The price for dinner is between €25 and €35, and they are open Tuesday to Sunday for lunch 13h-16h and dinner from 20h30. Enjoy!

Si buscas un lugar bueno y acogedor para cenar tengo una gran recomendación en Madrid. Santo Resto  es un restaurante pequeño que ofrece calidad y comida con encanto, que gusta. Todos sus productos son estacionales y mediterráneos con una pincelada de sabor Brasileño...interesante y thelicious!!! Su comida es buenísima, su servicio también, y aunque su carta no sea muy extensa -calidad sobre cantidad- no sabrás que ordenar!

Está muy bien para salir con amigos. Se encuentra cerca de la Opera y del Teatro Real de Madrid. El precio por cenar es entre €25 y €35. Abren de Martes a Domingo para almuerzo y cena, de 13h-16h y a las 20:30h respectivamente. A disfrutar!

To start we had their amazing antipasto. Actually all of their first dishes are made for sharing! Veggies, the freshest mozzarella di bufala, and cold meats make this a great dish

Antipasto de verduritas, embutidos y queso

    Duo de Ceviches: One is Butterfish and the other Prawns. I know, I know, almost every new restaurant has ceviche in their menu...well Santo is not the exception and this duo really does it!

Ceviches de Pez Mantequilla y de Langostinos

    Brazilian style Picanha Churrasco, for those more into meat. This is a big, tender and juicy steak...you just have to look at it and your mouth will start watering

Churrasco de Picanha

    Arroz de Puta pobre! yes...literally the Poor whore's rice. This dish originated in Brazil getting its name from the left over ingredients used to make it. It's moist, even more than risotto, has a variety of veggies and chicken. It tastes comfy, like grandma's cooking. This was their special of the week and it's not on their regular menu

    A Thelicious classic - Steak tartare...closely, just look at the perfect egg yolk waiting for me and my fork to decide its destiny. It can get dramatic and delicious...it was perfect, I've tried many steaks tartare and I'd say it was very well done 

   For dessert I tried a Chocolate delicacy which seriously tasted like a snickers chocolate bar! and a Passion fruit mousse brulée, which was different and yummy! Plus I loved their presentation and especially the little glass jars!

Delicia de Chocolate y Mousse de fruta de la pasión brulée

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for visiting Santo and sharing the experience with your followers. Come again whenever you want! Now we have the Summer menu, with a lot of surprises :)
    Best Wishes,
    Team Santo.

    Muchísimas gracias por visitar Santo y por compartir la experiencia con tus seguidores. ¡Vuelve cuando quieras! Ahora tenemos el menú de verano, con un montón de sorpresas :)
    Mucha suerte con tus proyectos,
    Equipo Santo.


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