Sunday, February 3, 2013

Roasted Bone Marrow - Thelicooking

Either you LOVE it or HATE it! Yeap, that's the case when it comes to bone's greasy and full of flavor, I personally love it! 
I had a craving this week so I started researching how to make it at home since it was hard to find the dish at a restaurant. It turned out to be pretty easy. I went to my local butcher (@ Mercado San Antón) and asked for the bones -either beef or veal- also they were surprisingly cheap. So I was headed home with excitement and a bag full of bones :p 

- beef or veal bones cut
- coarse salt
- cilantro
- one small onion
- 1 tbsp of capers
- 1 lemon juice
- olive oil 
- french baguette or toasts 

Roasted Bone Marrow in Thelicious Food
This is how they look. You want them to be cut around this size. Place them in a baking sheet with their wider side down so they don't fall and you don't risk losing the precious interior. If they are bloody (it's ok, they are bones!) don't worry you can place them in a bowl with water and change the water a few times. After that, press the marrow down with a paper cloth to absorb the remaining blood

Roasted Bone marrow recipe in the oven
Pre-heat your oven to 200ºC. Place your bones and roast them for 15 to 20 min. The marrow has to be soft but it shouldn't fall outside of the bones

This side will give a little freshness to all that grease! Chop the cilantro, add the chopped onions, capers, lemon juice and olive oil

roasted bone marrow result
They should look like this when they are ready. I sprinkled a bit of coarse salt on top...yummy!!!

roasted bone marrow ready to eat
Spread the marrow on a toast, top with cilantro dressing and salt

No words need it

Have you had bone marrow before? did you like it? comment if you do!

Besides home, my recommendations for Thelicious bone marrow are:

- L'Express in Montreal, of their signature dishes
- Beauty and Essex in New York City....amazing

In Madrid I know they have it at Punto MX, although I haven't been yet.

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