Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Restaurant Massana - Girona

A Michelin starred dinner for Valentine's? Yes!

Having a tasting menu dinner is one of the best experiences for me. Better yet if the restaurant has amazing food and a well deserved solid Michelin star. Massana's menu is a combination of flavors, ingredients and presentation than turns the dinner into a real experience. This restaurant is in Girona, a beautiful city in Catalonia, close to the spectacular beaches of Costa Brava. Even if you're not close enough to dine at Massana this 14th you can treat yourself and your loved one to a tasting menu dinner at a local restaurant!

The menu consists of seven tapitas, seven plates and two desserts. Overall the dishes were of high quality and the service careful. Massana follows to some extend the molecular trend of other top and starred restaurants in the area, with some deconstruction, foams, gelees... Chef Massana visited the dining floor a few times and stopped at some tables, a nice touch.  I don't have pictures of all the dishes included in the menu, but I do have some yummy ones. Enjoy!

Bloody Mary

helado clara en restaurant massana en girona
Bombon helado de "clara" y cabello de angel de limon
This is a sorbet of clara, which is a drink mixing beer with lemon soda, and lemon angel hair on top

atun con mayonesa y tomate en restaurant massana
Semiesfera de atun, con mayonesa y roca de tomate
Tuna semi sphere with mayonnaise and tomato rocks
Anchoa - fresa y pimienta de jamaica
Anchovy with strawberry and jamaica pepper

Bagrir de langostino, puerro y velo de tocino
Shrimp bagrir, leek and a bacon veil

Frutos del mar, musgo de Irlanda y mayonesa de Yuzu
Seafood, Irish moss and Yuzu mayonnaise. This dish was beautifully presented. Also I was introduced to yuzu, a citrus originated in East Asia

sardinas en menu degustacion en massana girona
Sardinas maceradas, tartar de tomate y helado de lima y albahaca
Sardines, tomato tartare and lime & basil ice cream

Yogur de foie gras, gelee de moscatel y crujientes de toffee
Foie gras yogurt, muscat gelée and toffee crunchies
This was absolutely spectacular. The foie combined with a rich yogurt topped with the toffe (confection made out of caramelizing sugar) oh my, oh my...delish!

navajas en menu degustacion en massana girona
Navaja de las Rías, crema de col y flor y caviar de citricos
Razor clams, cauliflower cream and citrus caviar

Lomo de atún tataki, dulce de tomate, crema de patata al curry y reduccion de soja
Tuna tataki, sweet tomato, curry potato cream and soy reduction

falsa manzana con helado en massana girona
Falsa manzana, su sopa transparente y helado de manzana y laurel
Fake apple, its clear soup and apple & bay laurel

Buñuelo líquido de chocolate y chocolates
Liquid chocolate "donut" and chocolates
Yes, it explodes in your mouth
Petit fours and coffee and me pretty satisfied and happy!!!

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