Tuesday, November 20, 2012


One of my favorite trips while living in Barcelona was going to the wine region of Priorat. This is undoubtedly a perfect place to eat, drink and relax in the countryside. It offers distinct wines, olive oil and its restaurants are pioneers in the "Slow Food" movement in Spain. I stayed for a weekend at a beautiful and cozy B&B, Mas Ardevol, where I was treated with an amazingly fresh breakfast, filled with local sourced only organic products. For Saturday dinner I went to Quinoa to try some of the most delicious local products cooked slowly. The rest of the weekend was spent in wine and olive oil tastings!

Uno de mis lugares favoritos que visité cuando vivía en Barcelona es la región de Priorat. Es una joya más de las tantas en Catalunya, perfecto para comer, beber y descansar en el campo. Ofrece vinos diferentes, aceites de oliva y restaurantes pioneros en el movimiento "Slow Food" en España. Me hospedé en un B&B bellísimo dónde comí un desayuno compuesto de productos locales y orgánicos, espectacular. La noche del sábado cene en Quinoa donde probé más productos locales deliciosos y cocinados slowly. El resto del finde la pase degustando vinos y aceites de oliva!

Breakfast at B&B Mas Ardevol. What a good and healthy way to start my morning!
Fresh cheese, a variety of catalan cold cuts -chorizo and fuet being my absolutely favorite-, an eco eggs tortilla, a bread basket, topped with a fresh and rich yogurt! 

Breakfast at B&B Mas Ardevol

At Quinoa, Huevos Eco con espuma caliente de alubias y trufas de verano. I can't get enough of truffles! This combination of eggs with truffles is amazing! On top you can see small pieces of onion adding crunchiness to the dish.
At Quinoa, a small treat to start...you have to love pâté.

Wine & Olives. In Spain I've had the best olives I've ever tried. I adore them! especially paired with a good red wine. At Quinoa I had Marge, a red wine from the region. Although it is produced in other places, the most common grape in Priorat is the Garnacha. I fell in love with Priorat red wine, they are very rich in flavor!

A typical Vineyard in Priorat. The plants are shorter in Priorat because of its dry rocky soil. Luckly the grape Garnacha grows really well within rocks.
This soil is so particular that plays a great part on giving Priorat wines its distinctive flavor

Heading to taste delicious olive oils! The olive oil tasting was a great experience, I got to see the whole production process and share quality time with the man that following his family tradition has been producing olives all of his life. He told me he was happy that more young people are becoming interested!

One of the wineries we visited: Mas Sinen

Tasting of their organic wines


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