Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Asturias, a delicious discovery...What to eat and see?

This post is to invite you to take a few days and visit Asturias. It has so so much to offer! The landscapes and nature are present everywhere. The region is lucky enough to have withing a few minutes both the countryside and the coast. Between natural reserves the contrasting landscapes are seducing. The nature reflects on their food, you can find really good and fresh meat and fish from the coast. I made a route according to the days I had and want to share it with you! Of course, including what and where to eat and what I loved about the trip.

First I visited the pectacular Picos de Europa National Park. Once there, I visited Cangas de Onis where I tried the best fabada ever! at restaurant Molin de la Pedrera. After I visited Covadonga, a small village in the mountain full of history and sanctuary of the virgin la Santina from whom comes its name Covadonga or "Cavern of the Lady." Also head north to visit the Covadonga lakes.

Once in Picos de Europa you can visit Cabrales, where the famous blue cheese is made. There's even a museum explaining the traditional and modern process of producing this characteristic cheese. There are other cheeses besides the well known Cabrales. I encourage you to try the Afuega'l Pitu, my favorite from the region!!

Continuing the route I discover in a little town in Arriondas, a bit closer to heaven Casa Marcial where I had the cherry on the top before heading to the coast. In the coast I visited Ribadesella, Gijón, Cudillero and Ribadeo. Some of which I explained best with the pictures ;)

I hope you find this useful and that by the end of the post you are planning already your next trip to Asturias! Enjoy!

cider is the typical drink in asturias
You'll find cider all over Asturias! I have to admit it didn't get to me...I didn't love it

At El Molin de la Pedrera, in Cangas de Onis. This is not a posh michelin star restaurant. This is  traditional family run place with awesome food and great service. Especially thanks to Angel one of the owners. Including drinks eating here will cost around €25, great value!

I started trying the tirabeques. Snow peas eaten all in its pot, with jamon in a cream sauce. Yummy! 

pastry stuffed with cabrales cheese. Queso cabrales el mas conocido de asturias
This is the special home appetizer crujientes con Cabrales y avellana. Crunchy pastry stuffed with nuts and Cabrales, a blue local cheese. At el Molin de la Pedrera

espectacular fabada en asturias cangas de onis
This is the main dish, super typical in Asturias and super good at Molin de la Pedrera. It's a stew made with fabes (large white beans), pork shoulder, morcilla (black sausage) and chorizo. Very rich flavors coming from the high quality and freshest ingredients used. This is probably the best restaurant in Cangas de Onis

Beautiful Enol lake 

 Covadonga, a magic little place. You have to pass through here on your way to see the lakes. First impossible to miss is the Covadonga cave where you'll find a charming chapel and the image of La Santina, Covadonga's virgin. Very close to the cave is the Cathedral

Casa Marcial, the two Michelin starred restaurant you cannot miss when passing by Asturias. It deserved a full post! click here to read and see the tasting menu I tried!

Asturian mountain landscape, very green, lots of water, goats and sheep super happy!

Gijón. The largest city in Asturias. It has a beautiful bay that reminded me of a smaller version of San Sebastian

Cudillero. A traditional and charming fisher town. Worth a quick visit and enjoy the picturesque views

Now we enter into Ribadeo, the town just in the border between Asturias and Galicia. I had lunch at Restaurant San Miguel. Service is ok. But the seafood is all about quality freshness. 

These are "camarones de la ria", simple yet so so good and fresh. They are a expensive treat but when you have the chance to try the real deal it's completely worth it

Scallop, more common of Galician gastronomy. The picture says it all...oh my

Rape or monk fish with shrimp

clams fabada spectacular in ribadeo restaurant san miguel
And here is my favorite dish at San Miguel, Fabada de Almejas en salsa verde. It's again the Asturian stew made with fabes only this time with clams substituting the meat. Que delicioso!! another great combination showing the best of the region

The view of the bridge communicating both regions from restaurant San Miguel
Faro de Ribadeo, Isla Pancha, Lugo

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